Have you ever been so nervous you needed to vent to others even strangers on the street? Have you ever gotten into a taxi and you have to share your experience with a random person who knows nothing about you but it felt wonderful to just let it all go?
Everyone needs to be consoled. Part of what makes us human is our vulnerability and our willingness to share ourselves with others. Some people like to be private and not reveal their innermost thoughts. I have met people who tell me that when they were young children they were encouraged NOT to share their thoughts and fears and not to share their tears but to keep silent and not cry.
I don't believe that this is healthy. I think that if you are panicking and if you are in need of counsel it's wise to share with someone you trust and it's also wise for you to feel as if you have a higher power or higher version of yourself that is looking out for your best interests.
We have fears and we have moments where we feel we are on a right path and that there is nothing holding us back. If you go into one of those downward spirals of uncertainty though there is a way to open up your energies and empower yourself. I like to chant my First and middle name repeatedly and give myself a reassuring pat on the back with what ever I think I need to hear. I want YOU to try it. Use your first and middle name or your first and last name and make a positive statement on how you want your day to go and what you wish to experience.
If no one is giving you that positive encouragement you need to bolster your ego you need to be your own Guidance Counselor. Say this mantra to yourself and envision yourself actually being fully empowered and honored. Believe that your higher power or higher Consciousness will be the Voice of reason and you can excel and find solutions to any roadblocks.
Tantra is a pathway of envisioning yourself healthy, whole, complete and thriving. Tantra uses Mantras, Mudras, Yantras and positive affirmations of what we wish to manifest and draw unto ourselves. We envision our chakras becoming stronger and attracting those people and experiences to us that will empower and not weaken us. Like energies attract like energies so be careful what you are manifesting and have no doubts or fears during this process. Believe that you are worthy enough to be loved and honored. Believe that people see only the very best in you and full trust you. Believe that all setbacks are very temporary and you can achieve anything you wish by positive affirmation. Most of all have fun when you chant to yourself. See yourself as an innocent child worthy of trust, affection and love. Tantra is about self honoring and self love. Be your own best friend and then you can have the faith to love and honor your partner.
Goddess Diana
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Tantra Yoga is the Sacred Act of Cooperation and Flexibility so COMMUNE and melt with your partner!
don't mean to preach but I will. If you want to be fully open and in
the moment with your future tantra partner or healer...be open and be
fully heart conscious! Trust is established through mutual connection
and most of the connections we establish
are shared connections of energy. When we engage in a Tantra ceremony
for the very first time you have to be willing to meet your partner in
the middle and be willing to let go of some of your needs to control.
Improvisation and openness connects you to your partner. Please enjoy
this article as is. Try and understand that trust is developed slowly
but you have to be willing to let your guard down before exploring your
boundaries and the out edges of energy work.
Tantra is the Sacred act of Cooperation and Flexibility
Tantra is not a rigid arena — Tantra is a playful seduction of letting yourself go without any self judgments and without any expectations. You say you want to become Tantric? Do you always have to have YOUR way or can YOU be more flexible and positive? Can you change your plans at the drop of a hat or are you always Wanting to control the people in your life?
The more we study and practice tantra yoga the more we realize it’s not about what we can get but what we can mutually learn from each other. I approach each tantra session as a mutual arena and opportunity for play. It is not about ME and it’s not about YOU– it’s about US.
We exchange energies therefore we learn what buttons to push or not to push. You have a chance to learn more about your body and how your body reacts to mutual healing and breathing.
We might not be able to breathe in and out at the same pace but once we calm our minds and slowly match our energies we can focus on how similar we are and we become ONE unit and one main source of SHARED energy. IN time the breathing practice will become so organic and natural to you that you won’t be thinking about having to breathe while receiving and giving touch; you will feel this natural desire to take in a breath of air every time you sense a reaction in your body.
I like to think of tantra yoga and tantra massage as a pure transference of energy and there is no need for control and there is no right or wrong way to touch because we make the rules as we share and participate together. I want you to give me feedback because I am NOT you but I deeply desire to get to know you as we share sacred space.
When you think upon the idea of sacred space truly there is no such law that states that sacred space MUST be in one’s home or sacred temple. I can make any space sacred with my intentions, focus and positive affirmations. We together Co Create sacred space with the intentions of combining our energies, our chakras and our hearts to create shared harmony and unconditional love.
You can spend time at your friend’s home and create Sacred Space simply by being filled with Gratitude. The act of being deeply grateful leads to openness and abundance because you are acknowledging the blessings of what you already have therefore you are attracting more love to you based on your open spirit.
No matter where you are and no matter what hotel you are in even when you travel on a plane you are in solely responsible for your outlook and your open heart. You can practice gratitude and self healing affirmations when you are in line at the bank!
Change your outlook on what a Tantra Ceremony must be or SHOULD BE because there is no wrong time to cherish yourself and honor your boundaries. Chant your first and middle name aloud and empower yourself in a mantra of a state of positive being. Shout out all your positive traits and why others should honor you and find you Sacred. We all have some wonderful qualities and we can take time out each day to call upon our higher power and acknowledge ourselves for our gifts. If we can recognize ourselves as being all powerful and capable of positive changes then we begin to really believe we can have anything we wish because we do deserve it!
Sacred Space is you. Sacred Space is any environment you experience and any locale you trespass. The magic is within you not the Temple Space itself. Be kind to yourself and be kind to your own Temple –your own physical body does so much for you already and be grateful for what you already have because we only have the present to enjoy!
Tantra is the Sacred act of Cooperation and Flexibility
Tantra is not a rigid arena — Tantra is a playful seduction of letting yourself go without any self judgments and without any expectations. You say you want to become Tantric? Do you always have to have YOUR way or can YOU be more flexible and positive? Can you change your plans at the drop of a hat or are you always Wanting to control the people in your life?
The more we study and practice tantra yoga the more we realize it’s not about what we can get but what we can mutually learn from each other. I approach each tantra session as a mutual arena and opportunity for play. It is not about ME and it’s not about YOU– it’s about US.
We exchange energies therefore we learn what buttons to push or not to push. You have a chance to learn more about your body and how your body reacts to mutual healing and breathing.
We might not be able to breathe in and out at the same pace but once we calm our minds and slowly match our energies we can focus on how similar we are and we become ONE unit and one main source of SHARED energy. IN time the breathing practice will become so organic and natural to you that you won’t be thinking about having to breathe while receiving and giving touch; you will feel this natural desire to take in a breath of air every time you sense a reaction in your body.
I like to think of tantra yoga and tantra massage as a pure transference of energy and there is no need for control and there is no right or wrong way to touch because we make the rules as we share and participate together. I want you to give me feedback because I am NOT you but I deeply desire to get to know you as we share sacred space.
When you think upon the idea of sacred space truly there is no such law that states that sacred space MUST be in one’s home or sacred temple. I can make any space sacred with my intentions, focus and positive affirmations. We together Co Create sacred space with the intentions of combining our energies, our chakras and our hearts to create shared harmony and unconditional love.
You can spend time at your friend’s home and create Sacred Space simply by being filled with Gratitude. The act of being deeply grateful leads to openness and abundance because you are acknowledging the blessings of what you already have therefore you are attracting more love to you based on your open spirit.
No matter where you are and no matter what hotel you are in even when you travel on a plane you are in solely responsible for your outlook and your open heart. You can practice gratitude and self healing affirmations when you are in line at the bank!
Change your outlook on what a Tantra Ceremony must be or SHOULD BE because there is no wrong time to cherish yourself and honor your boundaries. Chant your first and middle name aloud and empower yourself in a mantra of a state of positive being. Shout out all your positive traits and why others should honor you and find you Sacred. We all have some wonderful qualities and we can take time out each day to call upon our higher power and acknowledge ourselves for our gifts. If we can recognize ourselves as being all powerful and capable of positive changes then we begin to really believe we can have anything we wish because we do deserve it!
Sacred Space is you. Sacred Space is any environment you experience and any locale you trespass. The magic is within you not the Temple Space itself. Be kind to yourself and be kind to your own Temple –your own physical body does so much for you already and be grateful for what you already have because we only have the present to enjoy!

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